General Usage

Adios simplifies the process of removing calendar events, contacts, photos and videos from your device.


The calendar section allows you to view events by each calendar month and delete them individually, as selected, or all.

  1. Search for events using the provided search functionality. You may search by title, start date or end date
  2. On iPad, or in portrait mode on phones, you may select from the highlighted date on the calendar to view entries for that day
  3. View a list of all events for the month
  4. From the list, you may swipe to delete single events
  5. From the list, you may select one or more dates to delete, using the trash can icon at the top of your screen
  6. You can delete all events seen in your list with the Delete All button at the bottom of your screen
  7. Recurring events will prompt you about including all future occurrences


The contacts section allows you to view all of the contacts on your device and delete them individually, as selected, or all.

  1. Search for contacts using the provided search functionality. You may search by first or lastname, organization name, email or phone number
  2. View a list of all contacts
  3. From the list, you may swipe to delete single contacts
  4. From the list, you may select one or more contacts to delete, using the trash can icon at the top of your screen
  5. You can delete all contacts seen in your list with the Delete All button at the bottom of your screen


The albums section allows you to view a list of all user and smart albums on your device where you can delete them individually, as selected, or all.

  1. Choose to view albums containing all media types, or only photo or video types
  2. View a list of all albums
  3. From the list, you may swipe to delete single albums and their contents
  4. From the list, you may select one or more albums to delete, using the trash can icon at the top of your screen
  5. You can delete all albums and their contents seen in your list with the Delete All button at the bottom of your screen
  6. You can select an album to view its contents for making specific deletions

Album Contents

The album contents section allows you to view the individual items within the selected album.

  1. Choose to view all asset types, or only photo or video types
  2. View a list of all assets within the selected album
  3. From the list, you may select one or more assets to delete, using the trash can icon at the top of your screen
  4. You can delete all assets in your list with the Delete All button at the bottom of your screen
  5. You can select an asset to view in greater detail, including the ability to play videos

Detail View

The detail view section allows you to view selected photos or videos in detail, including the ability to play videos

  1. Preview your selected asset before deleting it